A beautifully detailed lion in motion, below an intricate pentagram. As an ultimate emblem of power and strength, the lion champions the prosperity of Velia.
Throughout the Grecian world, lions were revered as symbols of wisdom, ferocity, and dominance. They appear frequently in Greek mythology, most famously as the Nemean Lion, which Hercules defeated in the first of his Twelve Labors. Other mythological representations include the Sphinx, with the body of a lioness and the head and breasts of a woman, and the Chimera, which had the forepart of a lion.
Above the lion are the Greek letters Φ and Ι, flanking a pentagram, likely referencing the renowned mathematician Pythagoras. Lucania, where Velia is located, had strong ties to the Pythagorean school. Aresas of Lucania, a notable philosopher, led the school after fleeing Croton due to hostility toward Pythagoreanism. Velia itself was culturally significant, known for the Eleatic School of philosophy founded by Parmenides, a celebrated thinker and writer.
The reverse side of the coin features the head of Athena, adorned with an elaborate Attic helmet decorated with a griffin. Athena, representing wisdom, courage, justice, and strategic warfare, was widely worshipped, especially in Athens, the city named in her honour. The recent discovery of a temple dedicated to Athena in Velia highlights her veneration in the area.